Add your name to the list!
Commissioner Deb Gardner and I are both up for re-election this year and would welcome your support!
- Boulder Daily Camera
- Longmont Times-Call
- Boulder Weekly
- Sierra Club
- PLAN-Boulder County
- Elephant Journal
- Conservation Colorado
I’m honored to have the support of community leaders like Lafayette Mayor Pro Tem Gustavo Reyna.
Current Public Officials
- Jared Polis, U.S. Congressman (CD-2)
- Stan Garnett, District Attorney
- Deb Gardner, Boulder County Commissioner
- Cindy Domenico, Boulder County Commissioner
- Joe Pelle, Boulder County Sheriff
- Paul Weissmann, Boulder County Treasurer
- Jerry Roberts, Boulder County Assessor
- Rollie Heath, State Senator (District 18)
- Dickey Lee Hullinghorst, State Rep. (District 10)
- Matt Jones, State Senator (District 17)
- KC Becker, State Rep. (District 13)
- Mike Foote, State Rep. (District 12)
- Jonathan Singer, State Rep. (District 11)
- Dianne Primavera, State Rep. (District 33)
- Linda Shoemaker, CU Regent (CD-2)
- Dennis Coombs, Mayor of Longmont
- Bob Muckle, Mayor of Louisville
- Suzanne Jones, Mayor of Boulder
- Christine Berg, Mayor of Lafayette
Gleefully dousing local mayors in the Ice Bucket Challenge to raise funds for ALS.
- Clint Folsom, Mayor of Superior
- Tara Schoedinger, Mayor of Jamestown
- Tina Harris, Mayor of Erie
- Kristopher Larsen, Mayor of Nederland
- Connie Sullivan, Mayor of Lyons
- Mary Young, Mayor Pro Tem of Boulder
- Gustavo Reyna, Mayor Pro Tem of Lafayette
- Matt Appelbaum, Boulder City Council member
- Lisa Morzel, Boulder City Council member
- Sam Weaver, Boulder City Council member
- Andrew Shoemaker, Boulder City Council member
- Aaron Brockett, Boulder City Council member
- Jan Burton, Boulder City Council member
- Bob Yates, Boulder City Council member
- Ashley Stolzmann, Louisville City Council member
- Stephanie Walton, Lafayette City Council member
- Sam Fuqua, President, Boulder Valley Board of Education
- Sam Taylor, Broomfield City Council member
- Chuck Sisk, RTD Director, District O
- Judy Lubow, RTD Director, District I
- Polly Christensen, Longmont City Council member
- Joan Peck, Longmont City Council member
Former Public Officials
- U.S. Senator Mark Udall
Celebrating the 100th Anniversary of Rocky Mountain National Park with former Sen. Mark Udall
- Claire Levy, State Rep. (District 13)
- Josie Heath, Boulder County Commissioner
- Dorothy Rupert, State Senator (District 18)
- Ruth Wright, State House Minority Leader
- Will Toor, Boulder County Commissioner & Mayor of Boulder
- Alice Madden, State Rep. (District 10) & Candidate for CU Regent At-Large
- Joe Neguse, CU Regent (2nd CD)
- Joe Gierlach, Mayor of Nederland
- John O’Brien, Mayor of Lyons
- Susan Osborne, Mayor of Boulder
- Crystal Gray, Deputy Mayor of Boulder
- Tim Plass, Boulder City Council member
- Gordon Pedrow, Longmont City Manager
- Macon Cowles, Boulder City Council Member
- Spense Havlick, Boulder City Council, Deputy Mayor & CU Professor Emeritus, College of Environmental Design
- Dan Benavidez, Longmont City Council member
- Jacob Smith, Mayor of Golden
- Bev Sears, Boulder City Council Member
- Françoise Poinsatte, Boulder City Council member
- Jean Dubofsky, former Colorado Supreme Court Justice
- Leslie Durgin, Mayor of Boulder
- Andy Schultheiss, Boulder City Council member
Community Leaders
(affiliations are listed for informational purposes only and do not imply an organizational endorsement)
- Maggie Fox
- Steve Fenberg, Candidate for State Senate District 18
- Lee Shainis, Director, Intercambio
- Micah Parkin, Colorado & Regional Organizer,
- Erika Blum, Colorado Immigrant Rights Coalition
- Leonard May, Boulder Planning Board member
- Lisa Kaufmann, Colorado Chief of Staff, Rep. Jared Polis
- Jeff Hohensee, Director of Strategic Partnerships, Alliance for Sustainable Colorado
- Brenda Lyle, Executive Director, Family Learning Center
With Brenda Lyle & her crew at the Family Learning Center addition groundbreaking — January 2016
- Laurie Mathews, Director, Global Dental Relief
- Tom Weis, President, Climate Crisis Solutions
- Neshama Abraham, Communications Director, National Hemp Association
- Sue Prant, Executive Director, Community Cycles
- Vicki Nichols Goldstein, Director, Colorado Ocean Coalition
- David Driscoll, Partner at Driscoll Rose LLC & Board Member of 36 Commuting Solutions
- David Kansuke Wheeler, Bee Safe
- Mike Barrow, Advocacy Director, Boulder Mountainbike Alliance
- Edie Hooton, Candidate for State House District 10
- Jennifer Marie Shriver, Development Dir., Community Cycles
- Neal Lurie, President, Center for Resource Conservation
- Warren M. Hern, M.D., Physician & Director of the Boulder Abortion Clinic
- Carrie Curtiss, Deputy Director, Conservation Colorado
- Shaun McGrath, Region 8 Administrator, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
- Hunter Lovins, President, Natural Capitalism Solutions
- Tony Massaro, President, 4Front Strategies
- Cathy Comstock, Member, Parks & Open Space Advisory Committee
- John Gerstle, Chair, Boulder Planning Board
- Beth Conover, Senior VP, Gates Family Foundation
- Pam Milmoe, Air Quality and Business Sustainability Coordinator
- Sama Blackwell, Small business owner
- Kirsten Wilson, Artistic Director
- Rebecca Dickson, Chair, Sierra Club-Indian Peaks Group
- Bob Pease, President & CEO, Brewers Association
Laurel Herndon, Executive Director/ Managing Attorney, Immigrant Legal Center of Boulder County
- Leslie Glustrom, Clean Energy Action
- Waylon Lewis, Elephant Journal
- Glenn Randall, Owner, Glenn Randall Writing & Photography
- Sue Anderson
- Dennis Arfmann
- Tom Asprey
- David Baskett
- Debra Baskett
- Alan Boles
- Susan Boucher
- Joe Breddan
- Raymond Bridge
- Barbara Bridges
- Bobby Brown
- Ellen Burnes
- Dave Christenson
- Sharon Conley
- Myriah Conroy
- Regina Cowles
- Martha Crigler
- Benita Duran
- Pam Eaton
- Dan Gould
- Lynn Guissinger
- Jamie Harkins
- Val Havlick
- Janet Heimer
- Dwight High
- Hollis Hope
- Marilyn Hughes
- Michael Huttner
- Frandee Johnson
- Diane Kenney
- Rita Mahoney
- Shari Malloy
- Angela McCormick
- Joe McDonald
- Bob Morehouse
- Becca Moser
- Susan Morris
- Melanie Julian Muckle
- Kevin Natapow
- Bob Norris
- Deb Olszonowicz
- Danica Powell
- Carmen Ramirez
- Elvira Ramos
- Ken Regelson
- John Rosapepe
- Diane Rosenthal
- Susan Ross
- Anita Schwartz
- Pat Shanks
- Narayan Shrestha
- Suren Shrestha
- Vicki Simarano
- Cliff Smedley
- Mitch Smith
- Michael Sobczak
- Laura Sparks
- Laura Spicer
- John Spitzer
- Edie Stevens
- Steve Szabo
- John Tayer
- Steve Welter
- Amy Zuckerman
- Stan Garnett, Boulder County District AttorneyI am pleased to support Elise Jones for re election as Boulder County Commissioner. Elise is a smart, thoughtful principled public servant and I look forward to continuing to work with her on the complex issues facing Boulder County. We will be lucky to have her serve another term.